Ozycure is essentially our GDS system incorporating its in-built oxygen and ozone generators customisable to size requirements and applications. The application of Ozycure is primarily in the field of Aquaculture and Agriculture where it helps farmers to treat, disinfect, maintain and provide high DO levels in the water and soil. Ozycure is not just an Aeration system but, a water quality enhancer using the power of Nanobubbles. It helps reduce TSS, oxygenate ponds completely from the bottom, allowing the fine bubbles containing Oxygen to help grow your fish or shrimp faster and keep them healthy. The use of Ozone fine bubbles acts as a means of ensuring that, the healthy bioactive bacteria population is up. Ozycure is the most ideal and simple system a traditional farmer could use to eliminate or decrease pathogens in the soil or water, avoid/reduce pesticides, reduce/eliminate fertilizers and boost plant growth significantly. Research shows Nanobubble technology oxygenation and disinfection systems have proven to achieve more than 15-50% growth compared to traditional farming or existing hydroponic systems. Therefore the output is quicker harvests, lower FCR’s, reduced risks, efficient nutrient uptake resulting in reduced toxicity nutrient residuals. Ozycure is completely green, extremely low maintenance, uses zero raw materials and, a one-time capital investment offering payback in very less time.



DO Boost is the most common and favoured product our ACS GDS can provide. Its superior aeration at very low energy costs, results in savings up to 60% when compared to traditional or existing Aeration systems. DO Boost is a revolutionary approach in Aerating Waste Water Treatment Tanks, Aquaculture ponds, Recirculating Aquaculture Systems or Hatchery Recirculation Systems. A one-time capital Investment in DO BOOST has helped farmers achieve superior growth rates, decrease in diseases, quicker harvests and healthier products. Results also include better shelf life and superior taste as well. DO BOOST applied to Waste Water Treatment Aeration Lagoons and Tanks has helped companies achieve more than expected Residual DO levels and Superior Flocculation for better results. This is possible by achieving more than or up to 60% reduction in energy costs. In some trials it has been proven that Oxygenation with Nano bubble technology which is at the heart of the DO BOOST system has resulted in healthier poultry and products. Livestock have shown reduced ammonia levels in excreta, increased intake of water — all resulting in higher growth rates. Being very low on ownership costs, green and the only payback system of its kind, the DO BOOST is easily adaptable to existing systems. It does not require any downtime, occupies very less space and benefits are visible within a short period post- installation. It can integrate Solar and Automation systems. Their integrations are also offered.
Ozytreat is a revolutionary product designed to unleash the potential of the Nanobubbles to generate free anions, hyper oxygenate, remain stable in water and to exterminate pollutants in milliseconds. Be it a plunge pool or a bathing tub, Ozytreat seeks to recreate nature’s way of disinfecting, rejuvenating and removing the toxins from your skin to provide you a stress free , fresh ,nourished and supple skin for hours after the bath. The freshness of the mist besides a waterfall, the disinfection of the skin provided by the first rains of the season is what is mimicked by our unique oxygen and ozone Nanobubbles diffusion system. The ability of the Nanobubbles to penetrate deep into your skin pores and release the pollutants from the skin provides clean, soft and an abrasion free skin cleansing solution like never before. Be it make up residue or dust and grime from a long day at work, the unique foaming and fizzing action gets to work in minutes. No more chemicals or soap and moisturising lotions. The Ozytreat Hyper oxygenation system is an innovative approach to mixing ozone and Oxygen Nanobubbles thus increasing metabolism for weight loss and providing disinfection and sanitation levels like never before. Nanotechnology has proven be effective in hair fall reduction and benefited patients suffering from diseases like psoriasis, eczema, ichthyosis, Dhobi Itch, Diabetic Ulcer etc. It eliminates disease causing bacteria, pathogens and, augments oxygen enrichment in water more effectively than tap water.